
Below is a continuously-updated list of books which I recommend for learning particular disciplines. I will only recommend what I've had some experience with myself.

  • Analysis
    "Principles of Mathematical Analysis", Rudin
    [Prerequisites: Some background in calculus. Strong working knowledge of set theory]
  • Category Theory
    "Category Theory", Awodey
    [Prerequisites: Reasonable backgorund in abstract algebra. Mathematical maturity]
  • Lattice Theory
    "General Lattice Theory", Gratzer
    [Prerequisites: Comfortable with basic set-theoretic language and symbols. Some mathematical maturity]
  • Linear Algebra
    "Linear Algebra", Hoffman and Kunze
    [Prerequisites: Comfortable with basic set-theoretic language and symbols]
  • Logic
    "Mathematical Analysis", Kleene
    [Prerequisites: Patience and a willingness to learn]